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Selectmen Minutes 06/22/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – June 22, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:50 pm
Accounting Director, Catherine Shaw taking minutes                                              
6:00 – Calvin & Linda Pero – Septic…  Dumas asked Hopkins to explain the letter.  Dumas asked, Do they have 90 days?  No, Hopkins will post a notice on Monday morning.  Section 3 of the statute.  Prior minutes were reviewed.  Mr. & Mrs. Pero were asked by Dumas, if they wanted the meeting to be public or non-public.  Mr. Pero said, it might as well be public.  Hopkins recapped the previous correspondance.  He stated he had sent a letter in January. Since the last letter of 9/21/05 the violations on lot R6-6 at 269 Cornwell Road the camper was still being lived in.  The septic was not installed.  No foundation.  An occupancy permit has not been granted.  There is no safe potable water.  A letter was sent 1/19/06.  In April another letter was sent stating, if no action was taken by May 1st that on May 4th a letter of deficiency for a failed septic system would be sent.  We asked to have some contact within 15 calendar days, by May 19th they should have responded.  It is a State statute.  No action has been taken.  Pero’s met with the Board and Hopkins in May.  The State Inspector from  the D.E.S. (Dept. of Enviornmental Services) came down and reviewed the situation and verbally said, see that a septic system was installed or the property should be vacated immediately.  The ground water is running into South Brook and Diamond Swamp.  Per RSA 147:16(a) the procedure to follow is to Order to Vacate until the situation is rectified.  Hopkins read the Order that states Monday, June 26th at 8 am.  Details are on file at the Town Office.  He will issue the Order until these two conditions are corrected.  
Dumas asked, where do they go?  Pero asked, is the Town going to put them up somewhere?  Dumas said, It would be a condition for the Welfare Dept. to deal with.  Hopkins doesn’t know what the conditions are to regulate what we can and cannot do.  The State said we could install the system and lien the property.  The Welfare Officer is out until Monday.  Pero said, this Town helps everyone else.  Hopkins said, The Town gave them the trailer.  Mrs. Pero left the meeting upset.  Hopkins said, they were told that this was coming.  When the State approved septic is installed they can see.
Selectman asked, are any deficiencies corrected?  Pero stated, there’s nothing wrong with his water.  He’s been drinking it for forty years.  Dumas stated, the septic and foundation are a matter of health and safety.  
Dumas said, the Board can’t find them housing until after she’s (Welfare Officer) back.  What happens if they don’t move out?  Hopkins stated, It’s a misdemeanor and will be turned over to the Police Dept.       
Pero stated, It don’t run into Zephyr Lake.  Hopkins said, It’s been going on for a couple years.  
Pero was asked by Selectmen to come in on Monday to meet with Debbie.  He said, he will lose the time from work.  He can’t afford to do that.  Dumas stated, she can make an appointment.  She can work extended hours.  Pero asked, Whos going to pay for it?  He can’t afford it.  If the septic isn’t being used anymore and it is covered up, what is the problem?  
Dumas would like to find them acceptable housing.  He would like them to have a place to go.  If they refuse to go to a place they issue, that’s a different issue.  
Rainier and Kullgren agree that that is reasonable.
Hopkins will post the notice Monday and change the date to July 3rd.  Dumas said O.K.  and asked, should this be reflected by a Board vote?  Yes sir, please do said Hopkins.  
The notice is published and it goes to Lien holders.  Are there Lien’s?  Yes there are.  
Pero said, they won’t loan a thing on trailers unless its on a permanent foundation.  It has wheels under it.  He doesn’t know of any way he can fix the problem.  
Motion was made by Dumas to post the Notice on Monday, June 26th with the changed date of July 3rd on it.  As written by Peter Hopkins and we will follow State Statute and include that  with it.  
Debbie will be alerted to have extended hours.  They will instruct the Welfare Officer to contact the family and discuss housing.  
Motion was Seconded by Rainier.  Any futher discussion on the motion?  
Dumas asked, can the Pero’s get a copy of the RSA now?  Selectmen asked Peter to give the Pero’s a copy of the statute.  Any further discussion or comment?  
Rainier said, Its been a long road.     
Dumas called for the vote.  Vote was unnanomus.  Motion passed.
Mr. Pero said, he will contact a group from Conneticut.  A group of bikers is very interested in his property to come up here and party.  It will keep the P.D. busy.  The Pero’s left the meeting.
Discussion followed on how many people live there.  There is a 1 bedroom apartment available at Carbee’s for $600.00.  Selectman asked Mr. Carbee can we rent it monthly?  He has a bigger apartment but it is being worked on.  How much time do they need?  It will be another month.  The little one is too small.
Hopkins doesn’t want them (Town) to get in the position where we are providing housing forever.  Nothing has been done in 2 years.  They got a temporary permit for the trailer and agreed to do the septic and put a house up.  If it’s just affecting them we couldn’t do anything, but it runs into the brook.  
Rainier said, the point is we’ve been working on this a long time and bending over backwards on this.
6:30 – Sheldon Carbee, Scott Carbee & Tom Ferrel (Engineer) – Mr. Ferrel was absent.  To discuss the waste water hookup at The Greenfield Industries.  Mr. Carbee requested to go over to his place.  Tom can not be here tonight.  What they want is to ask the Board to make another appointment with Tom.  
Did they get a response from Debbie that UEI is done with the Town?  It would be an expense.  
Mr. Carbee has blue prints showing 13 bedrooms and the coffee shop.  It has a 1,000 gallon grease trap.
Scott would like to show them:   #1 -  The failure with the catch basin that is in front.  They thought it would be addressed when the Town did the road.  The catch basin is higher than the road.  The DPW should be able to handle it in house.  This was pointed out to Keith (UEI).  The water was coming in, way before the project closed.  They paved it and didn’t address it.  In the winter it builds up and is a safety issue.  Who’s responsible if someone gets injured?  
UEI was brought up again and Rainier said, If we request him (UEI) to be here, someone has to pay.  
Carbee said, he (UEI) never addressed the problem.  Duffy should be able to handle it.
Rainier said, the walkway is lower than the drain.  They need to build it up.  This is the same discussion as with Norm of UEI and Sheldon.  Duffy can clean out the catch basin.  Without going on private property.
6:35 the Board went to look at the Carbee’s property.  Hopkins was also present.
Scott showed the Board how the drainage in downtown runs.  He pointed out the corner drain is new.  The one in front is the old one.  Water can’t get down to the brook anymore.  It’s not connected to the corner.  It is Town property.  Hopkins disagreed.  The Town painted the lines.  This is for safety.
Rainier commented he was here when things were done.  
Scott said, It is lower.  The water could not get into the brook and it lowered the area.  In the 50’s they moved the brook around the building.  He was hoping to get a new catch basin.  The water can’t get in there.  It is concrete block.  
The group went out behind the building.
Years ago this was a seasonal brook running through.  They made them incapsulate the brook to go around the septic system to get the permit.  Special pipe was installed.  When water comes down the drive between the buildings, it ops out when severe.
They walked the trail of drainage.  Carbee stated, the gray water from the neighboring lot needs to be hooked up to the waste water system.  Hopkins thanked him for the information.
The Carbee’s knew exactly how much water was used.  All the water is metered.  They know the actual consumption.  The grey water goes to a 1,000 gallon tank.  There are 2 tanks for 2,500 and 2,000 chamber system has an air pipe.
What is the problem?  They need to have a grease trap.  They will need exterior plumbing to pick-up the grease trap and 2 lines.  The Fire Marshall had indicated what was needed.  He pointed out the location of 2 wells on the property.  
Selectmen asked, who takes care of the grease trap?
The site walk ended at 7:00 pm.
7:00 – Scenic Road Public Hearing – Muzzey Hill Road tree cutting
See separate Planning Board minutes of the Public Hearing.
Meeting resumed at 7:42 pm
On-going Business:
Wage & Benefits –  (To remain on agenda until complete – not necessarily going to work on it this week)
·       Overtime
·       Insurances
·       Personal/Sick Time
Church Lease – WORK ON LEASE – (To remain on agenda until complete – not necessarily going to work on it this week)
Parks & Rec. – Schedule Molly to come in and meet with the Board.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       A/P checks & A/P invoices
·       Minutes – accept 6/15/06 as written
·       Abatement – Denial – Albert Burtt
·       DWI Grant –  Police Dept.
·       Veterans Exemption – John Forsyth
·       Form 8038-GC for Ocean National Bank
·       Road Toll Refunds – Gas and Diesel
·       Light Duty Policy
·       Timber Tax Warrant – R9-71, R1-20 & 20-9-1, R4-3-2, R1-4 & R7-6
·       GIS property data – Review letter from Jeremy Noyes – If acceptable, noted letter should be written.  The maps may not be up to date.  We don’t guarantee.  But it is OK. Motion made and 2nd to grant permission.
·       Grounds keeping – Memo from Ms. Anfuso regarding cemeteries & grounds.  TJ is working on the dead spots.
·       Memo – Review memo from Norm Makechnie regarding easements, etc. for property of Linda Delay (V3-3).  Dumas read the memo and the Board discussed the items.  
Send a copy to our Town Counsel.  Dumas noted, the Board agrees with the written description.  We have been plowing the roadway already.  It is maintained by the Town a 15 foot right of way.  
On #2 - Keith (UEI) said, she should pay the maintenance part of the fee, not the user part.  
Discussion on the lot being upgraded.  Gravel has been put in and the curbing has been taken away.  They need to go through the Planning Board site plan review.  Cc the P.B. these minutes.  
Have Town Counsel write a letter.  
On #3 - In future times we don’t know what above the W.W. site will be used for.  There’s an easement in place, for the water to come from that property to go to the W.W. lot.  Should we retain the easement?  
Dumas assumed it would be a park forever.  
Rainier said, for future purposes the filters need to be cleaned periodically.  It would be handy to clean them down there.  They would need the water.
Kullgren agrees not to give up the easement.  
The culvert is gone.  The soil around it is from memory.  It was discovered when they were rerouting the drainage.  It is on the East side of the right of way.  The pipe is under the parking lot.  He (Delay) wanted us to replace it, and George said no.  It was not on Town property.  We have no right to go on his property.    
Our comments are to go to Town Counsel.  
·       Mason & Rich report on Tax Collector Receipts
Other –
·       Auditors – The auditors were here again.  GASB asset list 2004 & 2005 are complete and O.K. per John Lyford.  Copy to the Board for their review.
·       8:28 pm  Non-Public per RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Matters if discussed in public may affect ones reputation – other than a member of the board itself.
Motion by Selectman Dumas to enter into a non-public. Seconded by Selectman Rainier.
8:50 pm – Out of non-public – Motion by Selectman Dumas to seal the minutes.  Seconded by Selectmen Rainier and Kullgren.
Decision:  Release the report to the Town Council, Bond Council and State Police and meet with the subject at the earliest convenience.
·       Welfare – Deb attended a welfare session in Peterborough – very informative with new fuel assistant guidelines, elder care options, etc.
·       Budget Report – Up to date report for your review.  Schedule for next week.
·       FYI – The Greenfield Recycle Committee will meet with the BOS on June 29th at 7:30.  Selectmen need to discuss the memo from the Recycle Committee before they meet next week.  
They are alleging that this came from the article in the paper.  They have asked Duffy to run things by them before he does anything.  
#1 - Non-residents don’t have permits.  They need stickers.  Who is checking?  
#2 - Can residents take stuff home from there?  It should say residents instead of public.  
#3 - Is there unsupervised access to the GRC?  How come they are unsupervised?  
They want the Board to write a letter to the Editor.  Maybe the Recycling Supervisor could write a letter to the Editor.  If we wrote a letter saying what the Recycling Committee ought to do, they would be in here about it.  
Disagreeing with Mr. Brown.  By allowing people to take from the pile are we losing revenue? There is a safety issue if you are climbing around.  It is there to take for your personal use.  
They are not sure what #2 is about.  
·       Schedule the Recycling Committee for 7:30 pm next week and have Frank and Duffy come in at 7:00 pm.
·       Schedule Budget review at 6:00 pm next week.
·       Schedule Molly next week.
·       Old Town Office – Crotched Mtn. should be prepared for a preliminary proposal by next week.
·       Key Staff Meeting – Schedule next meeting with Dept. Heads and Key Staff?  No date was set for the next staff meeting.
·       LGC Class – Conrad reported that Loren, Molly, Vinney and he went to a LGC meeting last night in Peterborough.  He has data to share.  There should always be someone else looking over your work.  He wants to have a fraud review meeting.  What departments may handle cash?  It was very interesting.  There are many creative ways for people to get cash.  This should be discussed at a key staff meeting.  
Dumas advised Rainier to be careful coming in during the week.  We can only work as a Board.  If the Board advises him to make a decision, that is O.K.
Kullgren said, we are having MRI do an internal report on how things are done.  Interviews are being done.  Their report will show up the good and bad within the Town.
·       Swamp Road a resident has put up 2 buildings and is working on a 3rd.  It is the 1st house on the right, coming in from route 136.  Have Peter check it out and do what ever is required.
·       ZBA Hearing on Tues. – O’Connell was asked if he had something to go over with the Board.  He wanted to know what is the Boards policy on Class VI roads?  They have property in Lyndeborough.  They are accessing the property in Greenfield.  This is the property on the Greenfield side that they want a variance for.  Do you have an agreement saying Greenfield is providing emergency services?  The Town has to retain a release of liability.  
The house is there without the Greenfield Board of Selectmen’s approval.  The Lyndeborough Selectmen came in about the Old Lyndeborough Mountain Road.
·       Planning Board – Rainier reported, the Town voted to research the impact problem. The P.B. met with Bruce Mayberry, Planning Consultant.  He advised them that the Town would not be able to impose impact fees.
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:55 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, June 29, 2006 at 5:45 pm.